How to take control over your brain?

 When we try to leave some addiction which is a part of our daily routine, we have to put a lot of effort to do so, because our brain releases Dopamine (A hormone which gives us happiness in doing a particular work), which oppose us to leave something that gives happiness like game addiction or drug addiction. After trying so hard to leave addiction many of us still can't leave it. In order to stop releasing dopamine or taking control over brain we have to increase our concentration power. Here our some ways or exercises to increase concentration power:-

1. Watching a Candle - A candle is a big game changer for you. Just put a burning candle from 1 to 2 feet apart from you and continuously watch it without blinking your eyes. Practice it for 15 minutes and  2 times in a day. It will increase your concentration power as well as it will relax muscles in your eyes which improves your vision also.


2. Deep Breathing - Daily deep breathing relaxes your whole body and it also makes your lungs healthy and powerful. Oxygen circulation increases in your body and helps to make your brains cells being active. You should do deep breathing for 10 to 20 times in a day.

3. Writing your thoughts - Whenever you are trying to concentrate on your studies or something else, distractive thoughts would come in brain. So you should write that thoughts on a paper, it will decreases pressure on you brain.

So these are few ways by which you can increase your concentration power. You can also try some other exercises or reading books.

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